Illuminati benefits

Illuminati benefits

In order to understand Illuminati benefits, we must first understand what the term “Illuminati” actually means.

According to Wikipedia, the word “illuminatus” was used by John Milton in Paradise Lost to describe Lucifer, the fallen angel who rebelled against God.

It was later adopted by French philosopher Voltaire to refer to the secret society of Freemasons. Illuminati online

However, the term “Illuminated Ones” was coined by German occultist Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Hundt in 18th century Germany.

He believed that the Illuminati were responsible for all the world’s problems, including wars, poverty, disease, famine, and natural disasters.

Voltaire also wrote a book called Candide, which satirizes the idea of the Illuminati.

Today, the term Illuminati is still widely used to refer to secret societies that control governments, corporations, and banks around the globe.

But what does that mean exactly?

What Are Illuminati benefits?

The Illuminati have been accused of controlling everything from politics to finance to entertainment.

They are said to be behind every major event in human history, including the creation of Christianity, Islam, communism, capitalism, democracy, and much more.

And now, some claim that the Illuminati are secretly running the entire planet right now.

So, what are these alleged Illuminati benefits?

Well, here are just a few examples:

1) The Illuminati allegedly controls the media, so they can manipulate public opinion.

2) They supposedly control the banking system, so they can create money out of thin air.

3) They supposedly control the government, so they can get away with anything.

4) They supposedly control the education system, so they can brainwash people into believing whatever they want them to believe. Illuminati organization

5) They supposedly control the military, so they can start wars and kill millions of innocent people.

6) They supposedly control Hollywood, so they can make movies about how evil their organization is.

7) They supposedly control the music industry, so they can force us to listen to songs praising their organization.

8) They supposedly control the sports industry, so they can influence our favorite athletes to do things like cheat on their wives or girlfriends.

9) They supposedly control the news industry, so they can shape the way we think about current events.

10) They supposedly control the entertainment industry, so they can make sure you never see any movies or TV shows criticizing their organization.

11) They supposedly control the medical industry, so they can keep us sick and dying while making billions off our misery.

12) They supposedly control the legal system, so they can get rich at your expense. Process of joining illuminati

13) They supposedly control the religious institutions, so they can brain wash us into thinking that their religion is true.

14) They supposedly control the educational institutions, so they can teach students whatever they want them to learn.

15) They supposedly control the science community, so they can prevent anyone from discovering new information get more info that might prove their organization wrong.

16) They supposedly control the political institutions, so they can get rid of any politicians who don’t support their agenda.

17) They supposedly control the social institutions, so they can tell you what kind of friends you should have and what type of relationships you should have.

18) They supposedly control the business world, so they can get all the money for themselves.

19) They supposedly control the media, so they can get all the attention for themselves. Illuminati secret society join

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